Merry Christmas
Friday, December 25, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
things just repeating?
Everything that happens once can never happen again. But everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time.
Paulo Coelho
Paulo Coelho
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Apollo and Daphne
Daphne was Apollo's first love. It was not brought about by accident, but by the malice of Cupid. Apollo saw the boy playing with his bow and arrows; and being himself elated with his recent victory over Python, he said to him, "What have you to do with warlike weapons, saucy boy? Leave them for hands worthy of them. Behold the conquest I have won by means of them over the vast serpent who stretched his poisonous body over acres of the plain! Be content with your torch, child, and kindle up your flames, as you call them, where you will, but presume not to meddle with my weapons."
Venus's boy heard these words, and rejoined, ":Your arrows may strike all things else, Apollo, but mine shall strike you.:" So saying, he took his stand on a rock of Parnassus, and drew from his quiver two arrows of different workmanship, one to excite love, the other to repel it. The former was of gold and sharp- pointed, the latter blunt and tipped with lead. With the leaden shaft he struck the nymph Daphne, the daughter of the river god Peneus, and with the golden one Apollo, through the heart. Forthwith the god was seized with love for the maiden, and she abhorred the thought of loving. Her delight was in woodland sports and in the spoils of the chase. Many lovers sought her, but she spurned them all, ranging the woods, and taking thought neither of Cupid nor of Hymen. Her father often said to her, "Daughter, you owe me a son-in-law; you owe me grandchildren." She, hating the thought of marriage as a crime, with her beautiful face tinged all over with blushes, threw her arms around her father's neck, and said, "Dearest father, grant me this favor, that I may always remain unmarried, like Diana." He consented, but at the same time said, "Your own face will forbid it."
Apollo loved her, and longed to obtain her; and he who gives oracles to all in the world was not wise enough to look into his own fortunes. He saw her hair flung loose over her shoulders, and said, "If so charming in disorder, what would it be if arranged?" He saw her eyes bright as stars; he saw her lips, and was not satisfied with only seeing them. He admired her hands and arms bared to the shoulder, and whatever was hidden from view he imagined more beautiful still. He followed her; she fled, swifter than the wind, and delayed not a moment at his entreaties. "Stay," said he, "daughter of Peneus; I am not a foe. Do not fly me as a lamb flies the wolf, or a dove the hawk. It is for love I pursue you. You make me miserable, for fear you should fall and hurt yourself on these stones, and I should be the cause. Pray run slower, and I will follow slower. I am no clown, no rude peasant. Jupiter is my father, and I am lord of Delphos and Tenedos, and know all things, present and future. I am the god of song and the lyre. My arrows fly true to the mark; but alas! An arrow more fatal than mine has pierced my heart! I am the god of medicine, and know the virtues of all healing plants. Alas! I suffer a malady that no balm can cure!"
The nymph continued her flight, and left his plea half uttered. And even as she fled she charmed him. The wind blew her garments, and her unbound hair streamed loose behind her. The god grew impatient to find his wooings thrown away, and, sped by Cupid, gained upon her in the race. It was like a hound pursuing a hare, with open jaws ready to seize, while the feebler animal darts forward, slipping from the very grasp. So flew the god and the virgin he on the wings of love, and she on those of fear. The pursuer is the more rapid, however, and gains upon her, and his panting breath blows upon her hair. Now her strength begins to fail, and, ready to sink, she calls upon her father, the river god: "Help me, Peneus! Open the earth to enclose me, or change my form, which has brought me into this danger!"
Scarcely had she spoken, when a stiffness seized all her limbs; her bosom began to be enclosed in a tender bark; her hair became leaves; her arms became branches; her feet stuck fast in the ground, as roots; her face became a tree-top, retaining nothing of its former self but its beauty. Apollo stood amazed. He touched the stem, and felt the flesh tremble under the new bark. He embraced the branches, and lavished kisses on the wood. The branches shrank from his lips. "Since you cannot be my wife," said he, "you shall assuredly be my tree. I will wear you for my crown. With you I will decorate my harp and my quiver; and when the great Roman conquerors lead up the triumphal pomp to the Capitol, you shall be woven into wreaths for their brows. And, as eternal youth is mine, you also shall be always green, and your leaf know no decay." The nymph, now changed into a laurel tree, bowed its head in grateful acknowledgment.
Apollo was god of music and of poetry and also of medicine. For, as the poet Armstrong says, himself a physician:--
"Music exalts each joy, allays each grief, Expels disease, softens every pain; And hence the wise of ancient days adored One power of physic, melody, and song."
The story of Apollo and Daphne is often alluded to by the poets. Waller applies it to the case of one whose amatory verses, though they did not soften the heart of his mistress, yet won for the poet wide-spread fame.
"Yet what he sung in his immortal strain, Though unsuccessful, was not sung in vain. All but the nymph that should redress his wrong, Attend his passion and approve his song. Like Phoebus thus, acquiring unsought praise, He caught at love and filled his arms with bays."
The following stanza from Shelley's Adonais alludes to Byron's early quarrel with the reviewers:--
"The herded wolves, bold only to pursue; The obscene ravens, clamorous o'er the dead; The vultures, to the conqueror's banner true, Who feed where Desolation first has fed. And whose wings rain contagion; how they fled, When like Apollo, from his golden bow, The Pythian of the age one arrow sped And smiled! The spoilers tempt no second blow; They fawn on the proud feet that spurn them as they go."
(from Bulfinch's Mythology: The Age of Fable )
Venus's boy heard these words, and rejoined, ":Your arrows may strike all things else, Apollo, but mine shall strike you.:" So saying, he took his stand on a rock of Parnassus, and drew from his quiver two arrows of different workmanship, one to excite love, the other to repel it. The former was of gold and sharp- pointed, the latter blunt and tipped with lead. With the leaden shaft he struck the nymph Daphne, the daughter of the river god Peneus, and with the golden one Apollo, through the heart. Forthwith the god was seized with love for the maiden, and she abhorred the thought of loving. Her delight was in woodland sports and in the spoils of the chase. Many lovers sought her, but she spurned them all, ranging the woods, and taking thought neither of Cupid nor of Hymen. Her father often said to her, "Daughter, you owe me a son-in-law; you owe me grandchildren." She, hating the thought of marriage as a crime, with her beautiful face tinged all over with blushes, threw her arms around her father's neck, and said, "Dearest father, grant me this favor, that I may always remain unmarried, like Diana." He consented, but at the same time said, "Your own face will forbid it."
Apollo loved her, and longed to obtain her; and he who gives oracles to all in the world was not wise enough to look into his own fortunes. He saw her hair flung loose over her shoulders, and said, "If so charming in disorder, what would it be if arranged?" He saw her eyes bright as stars; he saw her lips, and was not satisfied with only seeing them. He admired her hands and arms bared to the shoulder, and whatever was hidden from view he imagined more beautiful still. He followed her; she fled, swifter than the wind, and delayed not a moment at his entreaties. "Stay," said he, "daughter of Peneus; I am not a foe. Do not fly me as a lamb flies the wolf, or a dove the hawk. It is for love I pursue you. You make me miserable, for fear you should fall and hurt yourself on these stones, and I should be the cause. Pray run slower, and I will follow slower. I am no clown, no rude peasant. Jupiter is my father, and I am lord of Delphos and Tenedos, and know all things, present and future. I am the god of song and the lyre. My arrows fly true to the mark; but alas! An arrow more fatal than mine has pierced my heart! I am the god of medicine, and know the virtues of all healing plants. Alas! I suffer a malady that no balm can cure!"
The nymph continued her flight, and left his plea half uttered. And even as she fled she charmed him. The wind blew her garments, and her unbound hair streamed loose behind her. The god grew impatient to find his wooings thrown away, and, sped by Cupid, gained upon her in the race. It was like a hound pursuing a hare, with open jaws ready to seize, while the feebler animal darts forward, slipping from the very grasp. So flew the god and the virgin he on the wings of love, and she on those of fear. The pursuer is the more rapid, however, and gains upon her, and his panting breath blows upon her hair. Now her strength begins to fail, and, ready to sink, she calls upon her father, the river god: "Help me, Peneus! Open the earth to enclose me, or change my form, which has brought me into this danger!"
Scarcely had she spoken, when a stiffness seized all her limbs; her bosom began to be enclosed in a tender bark; her hair became leaves; her arms became branches; her feet stuck fast in the ground, as roots; her face became a tree-top, retaining nothing of its former self but its beauty. Apollo stood amazed. He touched the stem, and felt the flesh tremble under the new bark. He embraced the branches, and lavished kisses on the wood. The branches shrank from his lips. "Since you cannot be my wife," said he, "you shall assuredly be my tree. I will wear you for my crown. With you I will decorate my harp and my quiver; and when the great Roman conquerors lead up the triumphal pomp to the Capitol, you shall be woven into wreaths for their brows. And, as eternal youth is mine, you also shall be always green, and your leaf know no decay." The nymph, now changed into a laurel tree, bowed its head in grateful acknowledgment.
Apollo was god of music and of poetry and also of medicine. For, as the poet Armstrong says, himself a physician:--
"Music exalts each joy, allays each grief, Expels disease, softens every pain; And hence the wise of ancient days adored One power of physic, melody, and song."
The story of Apollo and Daphne is often alluded to by the poets. Waller applies it to the case of one whose amatory verses, though they did not soften the heart of his mistress, yet won for the poet wide-spread fame.
"Yet what he sung in his immortal strain, Though unsuccessful, was not sung in vain. All but the nymph that should redress his wrong, Attend his passion and approve his song. Like Phoebus thus, acquiring unsought praise, He caught at love and filled his arms with bays."
The following stanza from Shelley's Adonais alludes to Byron's early quarrel with the reviewers:--
"The herded wolves, bold only to pursue; The obscene ravens, clamorous o'er the dead; The vultures, to the conqueror's banner true, Who feed where Desolation first has fed. And whose wings rain contagion; how they fled, When like Apollo, from his golden bow, The Pythian of the age one arrow sped And smiled! The spoilers tempt no second blow; They fawn on the proud feet that spurn them as they go."
(from Bulfinch's Mythology: The Age of Fable )
<<花事了>> - 亦舒
<<花事了>> - 亦舒
Friday, December 18, 2009
不讳地说,女孩算不得怎么漂亮,并无吸引人之处,衣着也不出众,脑后的头发执着地带有睡觉挤压的痕迹。年龄也已不小了---应该快有30了。 严格地说来,恐怕很难称之为女孩。然而,相距50米开外我便一眼看出:对于我来说,她是个百分之百的女孩。从看见她身姿的那一瞬间,我的胸口便如发生地鸣 一般的震颤,口中如沙漠干得沙沙作响。
不,不成,她恐怕不会相信我的表白。纵然相信,也未必愿同我说什么话。她可能这样说:即便我对你是百分之百的女孩,你对我可不是百分之百的男 人,抱歉!而这是大有可能的。假如陷入这般境地,我肯定全然不知所措。这一打击说不定使我一蹶不振。我已32岁,所谓上年纪归根结底便是这么一回事。
我是在花店门前和她擦肩而过的,那暖暖的小小的气块儿触到我的肌肤。柏油路面洒了水,周围荡漾着玫瑰花香。连向她打声招呼我都未能做到。她 身穿白毛衣,右手拿一个尚未贴邮票的四方信封。她给谁写了封信。那般睡眼惺忪,说不定整整写了一个晚上。那四方信封里有可能装有她的全部秘密。
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不讳地说,女孩算不得怎么漂亮,并无吸引人之处,衣着也不出众,脑后的头发执着地带有睡觉挤压的痕迹。年龄也已不小了---应该快有30了。 严格地说来,恐怕很难称之为女孩。然而,相距50米开外我便一眼看出:对于我来说,她是个百分之百的女孩。从看见她身姿的那一瞬间,我的胸口便如发生地鸣 一般的震颤,口中如沙漠干得沙沙作响。
不,不成,她恐怕不会相信我的表白。纵然相信,也未必愿同我说什么话。她可能这样说:即便我对你是百分之百的女孩,你对我可不是百分之百的男 人,抱歉!而这是大有可能的。假如陷入这般境地,我肯定全然不知所措。这一打击说不定使我一蹶不振。我已32岁,所谓上年纪归根结底便是这么一回事。
我是在花店门前和她擦肩而过的,那暖暖的小小的气块儿触到我的肌肤。柏油路面洒了水,周围荡漾着玫瑰花香。连向她打声招呼我都未能做到。她 身穿白毛衣,右手拿一个尚未贴邮票的四方信封。她给谁写了封信。那般睡眼惺忪,说不定整整写了一个晚上。那四方信封里有可能装有她的全部秘密。
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一个女孩子来信说,她看了《雪地里的蜗牛奄列》之后,不明白书里这两句: “爱情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。” 当你爱上一个人,你会忘记时间存在。你可以每天二十四小时跟他一起。你不介意花十四小时乘飞机从香港到美国跟他见一面,然后又匆匆赶回来。为了跟他见面,你会把重要会议延期,把重要的工作放在一旁。你们约会之后,还可以拿着电话筒聊到天亮。 爱情使人忘记时间流逝。你会忘记自己的年纪。六十岁的人也会以为自己只有十八岁。你会许下一生一世的承诺,忘记时间会改变一切。 然而,时间流逝,也会使人忘记爱情曾经存在。两个人一起的日子久了,爱情一点一滴的消逝。他忘记了这些年来他多么爱你,他忘记了你们曾经多么快乐,也忘记了你们一起经历了许多事情。忘记了,所以他爱上了别人。 当时间过去,我们忘记了我们曾经义无反顾地爱过一个人,忘记了他的温柔。忘记了他为我做的一切。我对他再没有感觉,我不再爱他了。为什么会这样?原来我们的爱情败给了岁月。 首先是爱情使你忘记时间,然后是时间使你忘记爱情。
亚对爱美说起自己遭遇:『爱应该是永恒,而我和她之间却没有这种关系,一切都结束了,也就是说我们的爱只是一种错觉,说不定从一开始就没有爱,随著时间的流逝,我的悲伤也逐渐淡忘,我不禁怀疑世上本来就没有永恒的爱。』 爱美对野亚道:『会结束的并不是爱,而是恋。纵使爱人已逝,他的一切还是会留在心里,无法割舍,然後不想再和任何人谈恋爱,而唯一能破解这个模式的只有,爱....』
『 你知道人为什么害怕黑暗吗?因为太阳是明亮的,会把事实赤裸裸的呈现在众人面前。可是,黑暗却把事情的真相悄悄地搁置,而大家怕的其实是看见事情的真相。』 『当长时间在一起生活,呼吸相同的空气,已经到了少不了彼此的程度,所以一但被拆散,便会产生一种切肤般的痛处… 』这就是所谓的亲情,爱,其实像呼吸… 大概只有在对方去世之後,爱才会成为令人怀念的回忆吧!因为彼此已经不再猜忌? 『恋和爱是不同的,有时恋情转变为爱是困难的,恋是喜乐的、快乐的,就算结束也可以夹在相簿中。偶尔回忆起来,可以打开来看,而真爱却不同,真爱的悲苦忧伤会铭刻於心,难以抹灭的伤痕,也会留在彼此心灵深处,因为彼此还要活下去...』 『人到底是孤独的动物。总是常常一方面伤害对方,又一方面拿著绷带接近对方,尽做些自虐的行为。将瞬间的牵绊转化为永恒的安定,这就是爱吧!』
——《世纪末之诗》 野岛伸司
亚对爱美说起自己遭遇:『爱应该是永恒,而我和她之间却没有这种关系,一切都结束了,也就是说我们的爱只是一种错觉,说不定从一开始就没有爱,随著时间的流逝,我的悲伤也逐渐淡忘,我不禁怀疑世上本来就没有永恒的爱。』 爱美对野亚道:『会结束的并不是爱,而是恋。纵使爱人已逝,他的一切还是会留在心里,无法割舍,然後不想再和任何人谈恋爱,而唯一能破解这个模式的只有,爱....』
『 你知道人为什么害怕黑暗吗?因为太阳是明亮的,会把事实赤裸裸的呈现在众人面前。可是,黑暗却把事情的真相悄悄地搁置,而大家怕的其实是看见事情的真相。』 『当长时间在一起生活,呼吸相同的空气,已经到了少不了彼此的程度,所以一但被拆散,便会产生一种切肤般的痛处… 』这就是所谓的亲情,爱,其实像呼吸… 大概只有在对方去世之後,爱才会成为令人怀念的回忆吧!因为彼此已经不再猜忌? 『恋和爱是不同的,有时恋情转变为爱是困难的,恋是喜乐的、快乐的,就算结束也可以夹在相簿中。偶尔回忆起来,可以打开来看,而真爱却不同,真爱的悲苦忧伤会铭刻於心,难以抹灭的伤痕,也会留在彼此心灵深处,因为彼此还要活下去...』 『人到底是孤独的动物。总是常常一方面伤害对方,又一方面拿著绷带接近对方,尽做些自虐的行为。将瞬间的牵绊转化为永恒的安定,这就是爱吧!』
——《世纪末之诗》 野岛伸司
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The only mystery never solved
Eisenheim: I was meant to return... I just... I kept thinking I'll find around the next corner... Sophie: What? Eisenheim: A real mystery. I saw remarkable things but the only mystery I never solved was... why my heart couldn't let go of you.
Eisenheim: From the moment we enter this live we are in the flow of it. We measure it and We mock it, but we cannot defy it. We cannot even speed it up or slow it down. Or can we? Have we not each experienced the sensation that a beautiful moment seemed to pass to quickly, and wished that we could make it linger? Or felt time slow on a dull day, and wished that we could speed things up a bit?
:The Illusionist
Eisenheim: From the moment we enter this live we are in the flow of it. We measure it and We mock it, but we cannot defy it. We cannot even speed it up or slow it down. Or can we? Have we not each experienced the sensation that a beautiful moment seemed to pass to quickly, and wished that we could make it linger? Or felt time slow on a dull day, and wished that we could speed things up a bit?
:The Illusionist
The more suffer, the more love.
"I'm not frightened. I'm not frightened of anything. The more I suffer, the more I love. Danger will only increase my love. It will sharpen it, forgive its vice. I will be the only angel you need. You will leave life even more beautiful than you entered it. Heaven will take you back and look at you and say: Only one thing can make a soul complete and that thing is love."
: The Reader
: The Reader
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Master Gracey's Love
Master Gracey: If you truly love someone, they never leave. They remain in your heart forever.
Master Gracey: But I loved her. Was love my mistake?
: Haunted Mansion 2003
Master Gracey: But I loved her. Was love my mistake?
: Haunted Mansion 2003
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
寻找 我的四叶幸运草
I truly... deeply... love you
Anakin: Don't be afraid.
Padme: I'm not afraid to die. I've been dying a little bit each day since you came back into my life.
Anakin: What are you talking about?
Padme: I love you.
Anakin: You love me? I thought we had decided not to fall in love. That we'd be forced to live a lie and that it would destroy our lives.
Padme: I think our lives are about to be destroyed anyway. I truly... deeply... love you and before we die I want you to know.
: Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones
Padme: I'm not afraid to die. I've been dying a little bit each day since you came back into my life.
Anakin: What are you talking about?
Padme: I love you.
Anakin: You love me? I thought we had decided not to fall in love. That we'd be forced to live a lie and that it would destroy our lives.
Padme: I think our lives are about to be destroyed anyway. I truly... deeply... love you and before we die I want you to know.
: Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
I am trying to find a thousand reasons to stop "drinking coffee", but i found none. And the coffee still bitter. Without coffee life will be no colors.
Without coffee the sky will have no clouds, just loneliness there will be.
I rather stay with coffee without sugar than to live without. maybe one day sugar will find it's way.
Without coffee the sky will have no clouds, just loneliness there will be.
I rather stay with coffee without sugar than to live without. maybe one day sugar will find it's way.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
The Spirit
It’s just about all we think about, isn’t it? We eat so we won’t die. We mate so that our seed will live on. Create art build skyscrapers so that our names will be remembered for centuries.
We live our short frantic, fearful lives, twisting this way and that. Music and ambition. Making up gods, afterlives, all to keep our eyes off that immovable, impassable, diamond-hard retaining wall that is death, realizing it will splatter our brains … like eggs.
We live our short frantic, fearful lives, twisting this way and that. Music and ambition. Making up gods, afterlives, all to keep our eyes off that immovable, impassable, diamond-hard retaining wall that is death, realizing it will splatter our brains … like eggs.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
You Make Me Want To Be A Better Man.
Melvin Udall: I've got a really great compliment for you, and it's true.
Carol Connelly: I'm so afraid you're about to say something awful.
Melvin Udall: Don't be pessimistic, it's not your style. Okay, here I go: Clearly, a mistake. I've got this, what - ailment? My doctor, a shrink that I used to go to all the time, he says that in fifty or sixty percent of the cases, a pill really helps. I *hate* pills, very dangerous thing, pills. Hate. I'm using the word "hate" here, about pills. Hate. My compliment is, that night when you came over and told me that you would never... well, you were there, you know what you said. Well, my compliment to you is, the next morning, I started taking the pills.
Carol Connelly: I don't quite get how that's a compliment for me.
Melvin Udall: You make me want to be a better man.
Carol Connelly: ...That's maybe the best compliment of my life.
Melvin Udall: Well, maybe I overshot a little, because I was aiming at just enough to keep you from walking out.
—— As Good as It Gets
Carol Connelly: I'm so afraid you're about to say something awful.
Melvin Udall: Don't be pessimistic, it's not your style. Okay, here I go: Clearly, a mistake. I've got this, what - ailment? My doctor, a shrink that I used to go to all the time, he says that in fifty or sixty percent of the cases, a pill really helps. I *hate* pills, very dangerous thing, pills. Hate. I'm using the word "hate" here, about pills. Hate. My compliment is, that night when you came over and told me that you would never... well, you were there, you know what you said. Well, my compliment to you is, the next morning, I started taking the pills.
Carol Connelly: I don't quite get how that's a compliment for me.
Melvin Udall: You make me want to be a better man.
Carol Connelly: ...That's maybe the best compliment of my life.
Melvin Udall: Well, maybe I overshot a little, because I was aiming at just enough to keep you from walking out.
—— As Good as It Gets
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Why is the Moon so lonely?
Why is the Moon so lonely? Because She had a lover.
His name was Quae Carcajou and they lived in a spirit world together.
And every night they would wander the skies together.
But one of the Spirits was jealous. Trickster wanted the Moon for himself.
So he told Quae Carcajou that the Moon had asked for flowers.
He told him to come to our world and pick her some wild roses.
But Quae Carcajou didn’t know that once you leave the spirit world, you can never come back.
And every night, He looks up in the sky and sees the Moon and howls Her name.
But, He can never touch Her again. Quae Carcajou means the Wolverine.
—— X-Men Origins : Wolverine
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